La primera trobada que vam organitzar per poder conèixer-nos una mica millor va ser el dia 09/10/16 a la tarda.
Vam quedar a l'església d'Escaldes que és un lloc que tothom coneixia. Llavors, vam decidir anar a prendre alguna cosa a l'Illa Carlemany.
Un cop asseguts i amb alguna cosa per menjar i beure vam començar a parlar de les nostres vides, estudis i experiències viscudes.
Va ser una agradable sorpresa per a tots per poder conèixer-nos millor.
On 10/09/16 we did the first meeting. We thought it would be good to know each other a little bit better.
The meeting point was the church of Escaldes, everybody knew the place. Then, we decided to go to eat/drink something to "Illa Carlemany".
Once we were seat and with some food and drink, we began to talk about our lives, studies and experiences.
It was a pleasant for everybody to know each other better.