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El dia de la festa universitària 21/10/16 vam assistir a la festa les mentores i alguns integrants d'aquest.

Durant el dia:

La primera activitat que vam realitzar va ser el taller de cuina per a universitaris a l'Office, on la Lara i l'Anna van ajudar a cuinar un deliciós àpat.

A l'Hamburguesada:

Després de fer el taller de cuina, vam anar a menjar una hamburguesa a la plaça de la Germandat amb els membres que van poder venir. Vam estar compartint experiències sobre les nostres vides i gaudint del temps junts. 

Durant la nit: Anem de festa!

Vam anar al pub anglès Camden abans d'anar a la Festa Universitària. Tots vam portar amics per a passar el millor temps possible. Un cop arribada la matinada vam anar al Temple Bar on es celebrava la festa. Arribades les 2 de la matinada el local estava ple de gent. Va ser súper divertit! Això sí, aixecar-se al dia següent va costar...

On 10/21/2016 the Buddy Program members attended to the university party.

During the day:

The first activity was the cooking course, where Lara and Anna helped to cook a delicious meal


To the "Hamburguesada":

After doing the cooking course, we went to eat a hamburger to the square of the Germandat with the members that go can come. We were sharing experiences on our lives and enjoy time together.


During the night:

We went to the English Pub Camden where everyone came with some other friends (not buddy program people) so it was even funnier.

After, we went to the Temple Bar where the party really started. Around 2 a.m. all the bar was super crowded and we had a lot of fun!

We need to say it, we went to sleep so late that day after it was difficult to wake up.

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